Monday, May 20, 2013

The Gift Whisperer

"Cael, since it's your last real day of school, I think it would be nice to take something for your teacher.  Don't you think?"

"Yeah, I want to do that!"

"What should we take her?"

"A squirtgun."

"Really?  I don't think she's really play with that.  Plus, it's not appropriate to take a gun to school, even a watergun." 

"But she told me that's what she wants.  She told everyone in the class to bring her a squirtgun."

Yeah, right.

"Well, then I'm sure there are other kids that will do that for her.  I was thinking a picture of you with a nice note and a pretty plant that she can keep."

"No, what about a light saber?"

"That's not a gift that an adult would really like."

"But it's something I'd like."

"How would you feel if, for your birthday, I only gave you stuff I wanted?  Maybe when you turn six, I'll get you a gift certificate for a massage, some new sunglasses, some clothes and I'll be sure to take you out for sushi.  Okay?"

"...Ugh.  What kind of plant should we get?"

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