Thursday, January 24, 2013

Some Things Never Change

Do you ever feel like you're spinning?  Like no matter how hard you work on the house, or the children, or even yourself, that things never change?  And it's not even a bad thing-- just a very steady reminder of "the way things are". 

Sometimes I get really sick of that.  I dread the tedium of dishes and laundry and fielding complaints from the very ankle-biters that generate this nonstop cycle of stay-at-home-"momhood".  Just today, as I was driving to retrieve Cael from school, and cursing under my breath about having to bundle up Graham, yet again, to make the 45-second drive to the elementary, I got to thinking about the alternative. 

What if Cael wasn't around, and my mornings were freed up to do whatever meaningless thing I wanted to do?  What if Graham wasn't running, sans pants, around my house for me to chase?  What if the house was quiet and clean?  What if there were no hand-drawn paper lightsabers and broken crayons littering the floor?  What if there were no photographs of small feet in wet grass or cake-covered faces adorning my walls?

What kind of life would that be?

So I pulled myself out of my funk this morning and took inventory, accepting that some things will always stay the same. 

Cael will always find a way to wage a battle, no matter his resources.

The basement will always be a disaster.

The dog will always need a haircut.

Some appliance will always be on the fritz.

And Graham will always, always opt for no underpants.

But considering the alternative, I think I'll choose to welcome the constants in my life.  Because while some of them may give me gray hairs, others bring the sunshine.


  1. Thanks for the great reminder of what is important! I find the daily tedium of being a stay at home mom hard, but it's soo worth it.

  2. Oh that is so beautiful! You are so right! I would not prefer things the other way with my daughter ever! Thank you for the lovely post!

  3. Love the pic of Graham's bare but & toes on the chair---too cute!!!


Leave your own "ism". Cael and Graham double-dog dare you.