Remember how Cael got better?
Remember how Graham never caught it?
Strike that last part.
Graham is chubby knee-deep in high fevers and children's ibuprofen. When he woke from his nap yesterday looking very flushed and hot to the touch, I knew that he was headed down the same path his brother had walked. But just as most illnesses seem to with my boys, Graham is handling it with slightly more spirit yet much tougher symptoms.
So this time it's Graham's turn to snuggle into my bed and drown his sorrows in ice-cold Gatorade and "The Incredibles". We did venture out of the house to see the doctor and for Mommy to vote at the local Catholic church. After I filled out my ballot, Graham made sure to let all of the voting volunteers know that "Mommy voted for Jesus", while pointing to a large oil painting in the room.
If only Jesus could be President. There would be no homelessness, joblessness, and just maybe, no more fevers for my sweet boys.
Amen sister!! Hope Graham feels better soon!
Awww....poor little guy. I hope he gets better quickly. I love that he said you voted for Jesus! If only we could!!